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Together We Are Stronger By Far

The Next Generation Virtual Choir Project



Thanks to a generous grant from the Puffin West Foundation, international award-winning songwriters and talented graphics designers, now they can be !

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

 1. Learn the song

Watch this video and follow along with the words

Click on the music icon in bottom right corner to turn on sound

Download the words (lyric sheet) and the sheet music here

2. Record yourself

You will need: TWO devices and headphones

iPhone in Hand

You can download written recording instructions here

3. Send us your recording

Before sending:

Do not edit or modify your video in any way.

Complete the required video consent form. 

Choose 1 of the following ways to send your video: 

1. Upload to Messenger along with signed video consent form


2. Email it along with signed video consent form

If your file is too large to email you will need to send via a file sharing service such as WeTransfer or Dropbox. Here are some links where you can create a FREE account.


Everyone appearing in your video (children and adults) MUST send a signed consent form. If consent is not given, we cannot use your video. 
A video consent form is written permission given by an individual to an entity/organization for the use of their name, image, and/or interview statements for publication. This consent comes without compensation, regardless of the amount of revenue the content generates. Once the document is signed, the entity/organization is not obligated to ask for the individual’s approval when using their name/image in any publication, advertising or other media enterprises (including the internet). A parent or guardian must sign the consent form if the individual is a minor.
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